January 1, 2012

A New Year's Southern Tradition

HAPPY NEW YEAR...it's always great to get a fresh new start!  Do you celebrate with any traditions?  Well, here in the South, we always cook up a little of this...

along with some of this...


That's right...a complete meal with black-eyed peas, collard greens, and ham!  A true southern tradition to welcome in the new year and supposedly a chance to have more luck and prosperity in the coming year.  Since I don't "do" ham (eat it) then we are having chicken-n-dumplings with our veggies...oh well, I know I will enjoy it!

I know the New Year traditions vary depending on what country you are from...so what are some of yours?  Do tell, since we're just curious as to how you celebrate.  I read an interesting article here about the differing traditions and one of them asked...

"What color underwear did you wear on New Year's Eve?"

No joke...apparently this is one way (in many South America countries including Brazil and Argentina) to determine what your upcoming year will hold...

Yellow = abundance and reaping more money
Red = better chance of finding love 
White = peace

So...with THAT in mind...what color did YOU wear yesterday (New Year's EVE)?  I guess I will be reaping much peace through-out this new year if this has anything to do with it!

It's just fun to take a look at some of the traditions around the world.  What ever YOU may be doing today...

Make it a "Simply Irresistible" New Year's Day!

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