January 15, 2012

Are you on Target?

Hello fellow readers!  We now have a full two weeks of this incredible New Year behind us...can you believe that?  My mom always told me that the older we get the faster time went.  Of course I didn't believe it then...but I sure do now!  Or perhaps it just "seems" to go by faster...which is it? Hum.

With that said...are YOU on target with your plans, dreams and goals for the new year so far?  Come on, it's only been "two" weeks!! It's so easy to name some "resolutions" each year...but do you really plan them out so you can reach them?  Do you set your goals high enough to motivate you?  If you measured where you are at the end of each year would you say you always make progress...or remain the same?  (Another) Hum.  Good question, huh? 

This new year has found ME pondering just how to better reach each of my goals and dreams. I have realized that it is SO VERY easy to fall back into habits (and believe it or not...tradition!) and when we do this...we don't move ahead.  I realize we are not to just live each day of our lives doing the SAME thing day in and day out...know what I mean?  We are to be "going somewhere" with a true purpose and a passion in doing it! 

Where are YOU going?  Do you know?  What are your heart's desires, goals and dreams...are they written down?  (Yes, even another) Hum.  Have YOU spent time yet to determine what they are and how to obtain them?  After all...we can't build a house without PLANS...we can't really decorate without a PLAN...and yet so many times we think (incorrectly, I might add) we can live our lives without plans and end up where we HOPE to be.  

If you need some help and some inspiration to reach your goals and accomplish your dreams...here are two books I am currently reading.  They are pretty phenomenal and I would highly recommend either...or both.  

Available Here

Available Here

And remember...

Make YOUR dreams count...and start planning for them today!  It's not too late to accomplish them for...

And be on the look-out too!  FEAR will be your biggest enemy to pursuing and accomplishing your plans and dreams.  Think about that for a moment...isn't that true most of the time?  Don't let fear and doubt de-rail you this time!!  I try to remind myself often that "God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love and of a sound mind". (2 Timothy 1:7)    So, do not fear!

I know this was a different post today, but thanks for letting me share with you.  Maybe it will help inspire you too...to go for it!  Make this year count!

Have a "Simply Irresistible" Day!

Photo Credits:  Unknown, Flickr, Amazon, Google Image, Tumblr, valoanexpert


  1. You are always inspirational, whether in decorating or life. Thanks my friend.

    1. You are so sweet...thank YOU! Hope you are enjoying your weekend!
